“Middle East Journal of Islamic Studies and Culture” Abbreviated Key Title: Middle East J Islam Stud Cult; ISSN 2958-2296 (Online) & ISSN 2789-8652 (Print) is a peer reviewed, Bi-Annual, Open access Research Journal Published by Kuwait Scholars Publisher, Kuwait. This Journal publishes all type of articles within all the fields of Islamic Studies.
This Journal publishes in all major disciplines and sub disciplines under- Islamic Studies.
Some main disciplines are: historical study of Islam, Islamic civilization, Islamic history, Islamic theology, Islamic philosophy, Islamic ethics, Islamic astrology, Inventions in medieval Islam, Mathematics in medieval Islam, Medicine in medieval Islam, Qur'an and science, Islamic literature, Islamic art, Islamic Finance, Islamic Economics etc.
Open Access Policy
The journal allows immediate open access to its content on making freely available to the global exchange of knowledge in non-commercial purpose. Manuscripts are published under the CC-BY-NC license, which allows the manuscript to be freely shared or used, as long as attribution is given for non-commercial purpose. Authors can freely to post the published manuscript on personal websites, institutional repositories, and any other database.