Middle East Research Journal of Linguistics and Literature
ISSN 2789-7753 (Print) & ISSN 2958-2032 (Online)
Volume 4 | Issue-4
Research Article
Ruination in Wounded Baghdad: Visualizing and Problematizing the Spatialization of Destruction
Farah Al-Shamali
Middle East Research Journal of Linguistics and Literature; 63-68.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36348/merjll.2024.v04i04.001
Abstract|Download PDF
Review Article
The Historicization and Theorization of Spatial Ruin in Wounded Baghdad
Farah Al-Shamali
Middle East Research Journal of Linguistics and Literature; 69-81.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36348/merjll.2024.v04i04.002

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