Middle East Research Journal of Linguistics and Literature
ISSN 2789-7753 (Print) & ISSN 2958-2032 (Online)
Volume-1 | Issue-1
Research Article
‘Tears in Verses’: Leadership and Social Disillusionment in Tanure Ojaide’s Poetry
Kufre A. Akpan, Naomi Okon
Middle East Research Journal of Linguistics and Literature; 1-8.
DOI: 10.36348/merjll.2021.v01i01.001
Abstract|Download PDF
Research Article
The Nature of Speaking in the Classroom: An Overview
Boutaina Guebba
Middle East Research Journal of Linguistics and Literature; 9-12.
DOI: 10.36348/merjll.2021.v01i01.002
Research Article
A Linguistic Analysis of Selected Excerpts from Two Literary Genres
Murana, Muniru Oladayo
Middle East Research Journal of Linguistics and Literature; 13-17.
DOI: 10.36348/merjll.2021.v01i01.003
Research Article
Revisiting what is termed as Anomalous Formulaic Expressions in the Qur'anic Discourse: A Cognitive Study from a Pragma-Stylistic Perspective
Dr. Sami Al-Heeh
Middle East Research Journal of Linguistics and Literature; 18-32.
DOI: 10.36348/merjll.2021.v01i01.004

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