Middle East Journal of Medical Case Reports
ISSN 2789-8660 (Print) & ISSN 2958-2121 (Online)
Volume 4 | Issue-3
Case Report
Right Side Chest Stab Wound with Perforation in Diaphragm and Liver Laceration: A Case Report
Ahmad Reza Shahraki
Middle East Journal of Medical Case Reports; 14-17.
DOI: 10.36348/merjmcr.2024.v04i03.001
Abstract|Download PDF
Research Article
Severe Head Injury with Blunt Paunch Force Trauma: A Case Report
Ahmad Reza Shahraki
Middle East Journal of Medical Case Reports; 18-22.
DOI: 10.36348/merjmcr.2024.v04i03.002
Case Report
Neuraxial Anaesthesia in a Patient with Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease and Hip Fracture- A Case Report and Literature Review
Mayet A, Tayob YN, Moodley A, Elghobashy A
Middle East Journal of Medical Case Reports; 23-26.
DOI: 10.36348/merjmcr.2024.v04i03.003

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